CCM Certification Made Easy was created with one purpose: to prepare you to pass the CCM Exam
Since its first edition, published in 2014, CCM Certification Made Easy, has helped thousands of case managers pass the CCM Exam. It is now the most trusted resource for CCM Exam preparation. With each exam update, we update the book to ensure you have the most current information available.Many updates have been made to this third edition. First and most importantly, it was updated to the most recent exam blueprint. Second, at the request of our fans, practice questions were added at the end of each domain taught, and a complete 150-question practice test was at the end of the book. I also added a new first chapter to answer many of the questions we get and to help you get off to a great start.
While making these improvements, I kept what everyone loved from the first two editions. Each chapter is broken down to cover the topics outlined in the exam blueprint. CCM Certification Made Easy provides a comprehensive yet concise review of the core material needed to pass the CCM exam. It is provided in a well-organized, easy-to-read format to help you make the most efficient use of your study time. There is no filler or fluff, just the facts.
CCM Certification Made Easy is another CCM Exam prep book and an indispensable tool for passing your CCM Exam.