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Atlas of Anatomy Original price was: $62.40.Current price is: $29.99.
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Pathophysiology Made Incredibly Easy (Incredibly Easy Series)
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Medical-Surgical Nursing: Concepts for Interprofessional Collaborative Care

Original price was: $114.98.Current price is: $29.99.

Prepare for the Next Generation NCLEX exam and develop essential nursing skills with Medical-Surgical Nursing: Concepts for Collaborative Care, 10th Edition!

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Master the essential medical-surgical nursing content for success on the Next Generation NCLEX® Exam (NGN) and safe clinical practice! Medical-Surgical Nursing: Concepts for Interprofessional Collaborative Care, 10th Edition, uses a conceptual approach to provide adult health knowledge and help you develop the clinical nursing judgment skills that today’s medical-surgical nurses need to deliver safe, effective care. “Iggy” emphasizes three emerging trends in nursing ― interprofessional collaborative care, concept-based learning, and clinical judgment and systems thinking ― trends that will ground you in how to feel like a nurse and apply your knowledge in the classroom, simulation laboratory, and clinical settings. A perennial bestseller, “Iggy” also features an NCLEX Exam-style Challenge and Mastery questions to prepare you for success on the NGN!

  • Consistent use of interprofessional terminology promotes interprofessional collaboration through a typical healthcare language instead of isolated nursing-specific diagnostic language.
  • UNIQUE! Enhanced conceptual approach to learning integrates nursing concepts and exemplars, providing a foundation in professional nursing concepts and health and illness concepts, and showing their application in each chapter.
  • Unparalleled emphasis on reasoning and clinical judgment helps you develop these vital skills when applying concepts to clinical situations.
  • Emphasis on QSEN and patient safety focuses on safety and evidence-based practice with Nursing Safety Priority boxes, including Drug Alert, Critical Rescue, and Action Alert boxes.
  • Direct, easy-to-read writing style features concise sentences and straightforward vocabulary.
  • The emphasis on health promotion and community-based care reflects that most adult health care occurs outside high-acuity (hospital) settings.
  • NEW! Strengthened conceptual approach with data-driven Concept and Exemplar selections adds the concepts of pain, inflammation, and infection and presents Exemplar disorders with a full nursing-process format and extra depth to help prepare you for the Next Generation NCLEX® Exam (NGN).
  • NEW and UNIQUE! Enhanced focus on clinical judgment and systems thinking ensures alignment with the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Model and emphasizes the six cognitive skills you’ll need for practical clinical judgment for the NGN and safe clinical practice.
  • EW and UNIQUE! Emphasis on NGN preparation includes chapter-opening Learning Outcomes and chapter-ending Get Ready for the NCLEX Examination! sections, plus NCLEX Examination Challenge questions and new chapter-ending Mastery Questions, with an answer key in the back of the book and on the companion Evolve website.
  • UNIQUE! Interprofessional collaboration The interprofessional views medical and nursing management through the lens of the nursing process and the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Model and aligns with the Interprof session nal Education Collaborative (IPEC) Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice.
  • NEW! Emphasised-to-Contentent provides a solid foundation for beginning nurse generalists, including only the most critical patient problems for each medical condition. Its chapters are streamlined and concise, covering preventative and postoperative care nursing skills.
  • NEW! UpContentontent reflects the latest national and international evidence-based guidelines and protocols.
  • NEW! Improved learning resources on Evolve are thoroughly updated and closely integrated with the textbook.
  • NEW! Interprofessional Collaboration boxes highlight how the nurse collaborates with other members of the healthcare team.
  • NEW! Ethical/Legal Concernsboxes address dilemmas that medical-surgical nurses face related to technological changes and socioeconomic disparities.
  • NEW! Increased emphasEmphasisme care, health promotion, and community-based care reflects the ongoing shift of care from hospitals to the home environment.
  • NEW! Updated illustrations include new anatomy and physiology images, procedure images, and disorder photos.
  • NEW! Updated drug tables are designed for quick reference and the use of drug trade names is eliminated for better alignment with the NGN.
  • NEW! CoverageCoverageid use disorder is updated to reflect the opioid crisis in the U.S. Content on personal safety and preparedness for mass casualty events has been expanded to equip you for the realities of healthcare today.
  • NEW! Key terms and definitions at the beginning of each chapter give you advanced familiarity with essential terminology.
  • NEW! Revised Key Points align closely with Learning Outcomes and each includes a QSEN or Clinical Nursing Concept “tag” to maximize your study efficiency